Does heat make you lose weight

Belly fat is one of the most stubborn fats, melting which is never an easy task. It takes the longest to burn belly fat and bring your midsection into a desirable shape. These days you can find many devices in the market which claim to melt belly fat with the application of heat. The manufacturers of these electrical devices opine that heat which is disseminated from these devices will melt the fat cells. This will help you to get rid of your extra pounds around your belly. Let us understand whether these claims are true or not.

Belly dangers

Belly fat can be detrimental to your health whether you’re a man or a woman, so getting the fat under control should be a top priority. Fat in your abdomen is problematic because it’s not just subcutaneous fat under the skin; it also consists of visceral fat that surrounds your internal organs. Belly fat is linked to an increased risk of developing diabetes and heart problems, along with an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

A different way of heating which it’s thought that burns fat

How to burn fat

Try incorporating some realistic diet and exercise solutions that may enhance belly fat loss. Adding aerobic exercise to your diet plan helps target belly fat specifically. Plus, you can try other ways.

Plastic Wrap

One myth is that wrapping your belly in plastic wrap or a special body wrap material will generate excess heat on your belly that will help it burn fat faster. This doesn’t work. You may get on the scale later and find that you’re lighter, but this is only because the wrap caused you to lose a little more water weight, not fat.  This method can be dangerous because it stops your body from cooling itself off properly by not allowing your sweat to dry.

Heat-generating cells

A more promising application of heat on belly fat was found in a 2012 study by Ohio State University researchers, published in the journal “Biomaterials.” In this study, mice were injected with capsules that had heat-generating cells in them. The capsules were injected directly into their abdomens and after 80 days of treatment, the mice lost 20 percent of their abdominal fat. The amount of visceral fat, the most dangerous kind, was reduced and at least partially replaced by brown fat cells, which use fat to generate heat for the body. The medicine still has to be tested on humans, but the researchers believe it holds promise.


The great impact of a sauna on your health

Saunas have also been posited as a method of heating your body and helping you burn excess belly fat in the process, but this theory doesn’t pan out. According to Harvard Medical School’s website, the only health benefits saunas bring are relaxing you and increasing your feeling of well-being.  Saunas can be dangerous for people with heart problems and blood pressure issues.

Red light therapy

Red light is believed to work by producing a biochemical effect in cells that strengthen the mitochondria. While the internet is often abuzz with news about miracle treatments for just about every health condition, red light therapy certainly isn’t a cure-all for everything. RLT is considered experimental for most conditions. You can easily purchase red light devices online, but it’s best to get a doctor’s opinion on any symptoms before you try to self-treat.

Can you lose weight with a heating pad?

Belly fat is one of the most stubborn fats, melting which is never an easy task. It takes the longest to burn belly fat and bring your midsection into a desirable shape.  Certain heat belts are used by dermatologists for skin treatment purposes. However, can a heating pad help? Working out, exercising, and maintaining balanced diets are the only ways through which belly fat can be reduced. Electrical heating pads can help to get rid of pain, muscle tensions, and other problems like period cramps, but do not help you to lose weight.

What works

The greatest heating pad

If you are working on building muscles you won’t cut down fat specifically in the belly area. Instead, belly fat is reduced as your overall fat levels come down.  Cardio exercises as quick walking or jogging for 30 minutes a day, six days a week, will help cut down on your belly fat. Plus, strength training or yoga will also help. The changing of a diet will also help you to achieve success. Eating lean protein and complex, fiber-filled carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Cut down simple carbs like sugary sodas and white bread and you will see a magnificent result!


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